Professional Learning Community

We want to facilitate great conversations around learning, empower you to seek answers and to share your insights. We want to acknowledge all the Experts and expertise across our whole professional community and celebrate the incredible work and achievements.

Webinars, events, podcasts, blogs and articles, all written by our members can be found on our site. We hope you will find something that sparks your curiosity, makes you think or inspires you to act. Scroll down to read testimonials from colleagues who have got involved.


Our Big Request to You

We encourage you to be proactive and make contributions, ask us questions, tell us what you would like us to write about and join our conversations.

It is an opportunity to connect with colleagues and dedicate some quality time to exploring something in greater depth. We list all our events and live chats on social media as well as sharing links to our tools, think pieces and learning.

Follow us on social media:


The feedback and messages of thanks we receive from our delegates makes everything we do worthwhile. If you are new to Transform and the work we do, our testimonials will give you an insight into the power and impact our programmes have in terms of personal growth and professional development.

See below for how other people have enjoyed working with us.


“For me, it’s been a fabulous opportunity to share strategies and subject-specific content with delegates, to challenge their thinking and support their development, whilst building authentic professional relationships across Nottingham and Derby.”

“I have loved being able to build upon my knowledge and my skills week after week. My favourite sessions have been the Tuesday Talk sessions. They have been so engaging, so inspiring and interesting. Who knew that STEM and digital could be so absolutely fascinating. Listening to the facilitator discuss her passion for reading also got me really fired up and eager to look closer at this too.”