Understanding Professional Self: Identity, Behaviour & Confidence

Transform has developed the Applied approach from our combined knowledge and experience in the education, private and charitable sectors.

We have spent the last 7 years embedding this knowledge and experience into our practice and then defining and refining the impact through detailed study.


 The 3 Aspects of Professional Self

The study revealed significant growth in 3 areas of leadership.     

Changes in leadership identity and behaviour were confirmed through study questions. In addition, a third distinct change was noticed in leadership confidence. Our results suggest that for our leaders, these 3 fundamental aspects make up the professional self – hear more about this work below.

The study also revealed there was an important connection between these 3 aspects of the professional self and that there was an added value to developing these in parallel.  


Leadership Identity

How we think about ourselves


Transform found

‘When we focus on our learning it creates a shift in identity’


A strong leadership identity shows up as ambitious, having vision, strategic

The study showed there was a significant shift in how leaders saw their own leadership identity - moving from affiliative and emotionally intelligent to visionary, strategic and engaging.

As a result staff teams reported that they experienced a more engaging school culture.

‘I have changed my whole understanding of what it means to be strategic. To prioritise, to dream big and bring people with me.’


The data:

In describing their leadership approach the words chosen by participants shifted substantially:

  • “Ambitious” – became 3.3 times more significant

  • “Strategic” – became 5 times more significant

  • The culture of leadership that staff experienced became 4.5 times more engaging Leaders felt they were twice as engaging.

  • The delegate’s description of leadership style changed from “Affiliative” to “Visionary”


Leadership Behaviour

How we act / What we do


Transform found:

‘With clarity comes engagement and empowerment’


Effective leadership behaviour shows up as clarity and delivering on vision.

Leader performance and effectiveness in their roles has seen an 81% increase in scores for clarity of vision and 69% increase in scores for ability to deliver against this.

There has been a significant shift in how leaders have engaged staff teams and co-created with them, as well as helping them to develop the leadership of others.

‘The thing that has changed most is middle leaders are empowered. And therefore we are also seeing teacher willing to take risks. It’s exciting to see.’


The data:

In rating their effectiveness against Future, Engage and Deliver behaviours, leaders showed:

  • 81% increase in scores for clarity of vision.

  • 69% increase in scores for ability to deliver against vision.

  • Interviews showed that this had been done by engaging and empowering others in the delivery (as opposed to delegating)


Leadership Confidence

How we feel about ourselves


Transform found:

‘Leadership confidence is the “unlocker” of identity and behaviour’



Confident leadership shows up as knowing what leadership looks like for you.

The study showed that leaders found increased energy for their roles. By giving them permission and confidence to think differently, it has also released new leadership capability in their teams.

100% of participants indicated renewed energy and inspiration. 

‘I am highly ambitious for my own development and children in my school and Trust. This has helped me to self-reflect and develop a greater sense of purpose and strategic focus.’


The data

  • We didn’t set out to measure confidence because we didn’t appreciate its central function.

  • Through the surveys and interviews leaders talked about permission and confidence to think and act differently.

  • All survey respondents reported a renewed energy and inspiration.

 Which aspect of your professional self, do you want to develop next?



Identity Transform Applied




Clarity of vision
Empowering people
Delivering vision



Increased energy
Permission to lead
Know what it looked like


What next…


Find out more about identity, behaviour and confidence for your team